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We started small which allowed us to continuously push our boundaries.


We focused on our goals and leveraged our strengths to overcome challenges.


As a result, over the last decade, we have mastered our craft and are proud of the service we provide to our clients.

Our Greatest Asset is 

At TPS, Inc., we have assembled a group of experienced professionals who are well-versed in the intricacies of real estate transactions. Each member of our team brings a unique skill set and a shared commitment to providing exceptional service.

Although you will always have one point of contact, we believe in the power of collaboration and leverage our collective expertise to deliver outstanding results for our clients.

Team meeting



We do not advertise the companies and agents we work with. 


We are the team working behind you making sure you succeed. 


We are passionate professionals dedicated to providing exceptional services and memorable customer experiences. 


We work with Real Estate Agents, Real Estate Brokers and Owners of Title and Escrow companies. 


Mission Statement

Our mission at TPS, Inc. is to provide exceptional support to real estate professionals in managing the complex and time-consuming administrative tasks involved in real estate transactions.


We aim to streamline the process of buying and selling properties, ensuring that every transaction is handled with the utmost care and attention to detail.


Our goal is to take the burden of paperwork and coordination off our clients' shoulders, allowing them to focus on what they do best - serving their clients and growing their businesses.


We are committed to delivering high-quality, efficient, and reliable services that exceed our clients' expectations and contribute to their success.

Vision Statement

Our vision as a Transaction Coordinator company is to become the go-to partner for real estate professionals across the industry, known for our expertise, reliability, and commitment to excellence.


We strive to innovate and stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving world of real estate transactions, leveraging technology and best practices to provide the most efficient and effective services possible.

We envision a future where real estate professionals can trust us to handle all aspects of their transactions with precision and care, freeing them up to focus on building relationships with their clients and growing their businesses.

Our ultimate goal is to help our clients achieve their goals and reach their full potential in the real estate industry, while providing an exceptional customer experience at every step of the way.

Let us handle that – Trustworthy real estate transaction processing services!

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